发布时间:2025-02-04 阅读次数:23容积式压缩机 positive displacement compressor 往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机) reciprocating compressor 回转式压缩机 rotary compressor 滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor 单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor 滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor 三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor 滑片 blade 旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor 涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor 涡旋盘 scroll 固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll, fixed scroll 驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll, orbiting scroll 斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机) swash plate compressor 斜盘 swash plate 摇盘 wobble plate 螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor 单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor 阴转子 female rotor 阳转子 male rotor 主转子 main rotor 闸转子 gate rotor 无油压缩机 oil free compressor 膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor 活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor 单作用压缩机 single acting compressor 双作用压缩机 double acting compressor 双效压缩机 dual effect compressor 双缸压缩机 twin cylinder compressor 闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor 开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor 顺流式压缩机 uniflow compressor 逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor 干活塞式压缩机 dry piston compressor 双级压缩机 compound compressor 多级压缩机 multistage compressor 差动活塞式压缩机 stepped piston compound compressor, differential piston compressor 串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor, dual compressor 截止阀 line valve, stop valve 排气截止阀 discharge line valve 吸气截止阀 suction line valve 部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port 能量调节器 energy regulator 容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve 容量控制器 capacity control 消声器 muffler 联轴节 coupling 曲轴箱 crankcase 曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater 轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal 填料盒 stuffing box 轴封填料 shaft packing 机械密封 mechanical seal 波纹管密封 bellows seal 转动密封 rotary seal 迷宫密封 labyrinth seal 轴承 bearing 滑动轴承 sleeve bearing 偏心环 eccentric strap 滚珠轴承 ball bearing 滚柱轴承 roller bearing 滚针轴承 needle bearing 止推轴承 thrust bearing 外轴承 pedestal bearing 臼形轴承 footstep bearing 轴承箱 bearing housing 止推盘 thrust collar 偏心销 eccentric pin 曲轴平衡块 crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight 曲柄轴 crankshaft 偏心轴 eccentric type crankshaft 曲拐轴 crank throw type crankshaft 连杆 connecting rod 连杆大头 crank pin end 连杆小头 piston pin end 曲轴 crankshaft 主轴颈 main journal 曲柄 crank arm, crank shaft 曲柄销 crank pin 曲拐 crank throw 曲拐机构 crank-toggle 阀盘 valve disc 阀杆 valve stem 阀座 valve seat 阀板 valve plate 阀盖 valve cage 阀罩 valve cover 阀升程限制器 valve lift guard 阀升程 valve lift 阀孔 valve port 吸气口 suction inlet 压缩机气阀 compressor valve 吸气阀 suction valve 排气阀 delivery valve 圆盘阀 disc valve 环片阀 ring plate valve 簧片阀 reed valve 舌状阀 cantilever valve 条状阀 beam valve 提升阀 poppet valve 菌状阀 mushroom valve 杯状阀 tulip valve 缸径 cylinder bore 余隙容积 clearance volume 附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket 活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement 理论排量 theoretical displacement 实际排量 actual displacement 实际输气量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder 活塞行程容积 piston displacement 气缸 cylinder 气缸体 cylinder block 气缸壁 cylinder wall 水冷套 water cooled jacket 气缸盖(气缸头) cylinder head 安全盖(假盖) safety head 假盖 false head 活塞环 piston ring 气环 sealing ring 刮油环 scraper ring 油环 scrape ring 活塞销 piston pin 活塞 piston 活塞行程 piston stroke 吸气行程 suction stroke 膨胀行程 expansion stroke 压缩行程 compression stroke 排气行程 discharge stroke 升压压缩机 booster compressor 立式压缩机 vertical compressor 卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor 角度式压缩机 angular type compressor 对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor